Your Neighbor Looking Out For You.
Whether you’re at home or away, you can rest easy knowing The Security Center is protecting you. Our UL certified professionals are keeping a constant, watchful eye on your home and business to monitor for break-ins, fire, carbon monoxide and flooding.
If your monitoring station is not secure, you are not secure.
Do they have underground phone lines? Our phone lines are buried underground, and they won’t be cut.
Are they in an absolutely secure building? The Security Center was originally built as a U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, a fortress like facility with concrete walls line with steel that are 3ft thick. Our operators are secure, so we can take care of you.
Do they have back-up generators powered by natural gas and propane? Our building is secured with two back-up generators, one natrual gas, and one propane.
Are they certified by Underwriters Laboratory? We are, and yours should be also.
Can you call your monitoring station to test the line to see if the system is reporting properly? We encourage clients to call us as often as they would like to and test their system.
Have they been in business for over 40 years? Unlike most Security Companies, we have been in business for over 40 years.
We are different from other companies
UL Certified Central Station • State-of-the-art phone system • Underground data transmission lines • Complete system redundancy • Burglar and fire alarm monitoring service • Keyless entry with managed access control • Video event monitoring • Medical Alert / Personal Emergency Response Services
Our central monitoring station is secured within a fortress facility.
How does Alarm Monitoring Work?
Even the most professionally installed alarm system won't protect your home from invasion, fire, heat/smoke detection or medical emergencies unless your system is monitored by professionals in a secure environment. If triggered, your system electronically sends a selection of beeps, tones, and frequencies to our central station that monitors your unique application and the required response is activated. The bottom line is: for your system to work to protect you, your family, your valuables, even your business, your ultimate safety resides with the central monitoring station. And, the selection of a monitoring station rests solely with you.
Landline, Cellular, or Broadband?
Home security monitoring is the way your home security system and your security provider’s central monitoring station communicate with one another. The three (3) most commonly utilized methods of communication are Landline, Cellular and Broadband; each having their respective pro’s and con’s. Curious to learn more?
Let us keep your family safe